Summer is coming…

If it helps, you can imagine Eastview as Winterfell…

No worries, spoilers won’t be found here. However, you will find some awesome information about how to help your child have the best summer ever!

Sign up now for your best summer ever!

Registrations are rolling in! Is your family signed up for the best dose of tennis to be had this side of the river? We have lessons for all ages and ability levels (yes, that includes adults). Sign up now to save your spot on the court in your neighborhood! You can register online here or get a paper registration form here. Adults looking for lessons and competition – email!

If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram (find us on facebook and instagram) then you’ve seen our recent series of “Quick Hitters”. There is so much good stuff going on in our community and this is our way of sharing who we are with the world. Be sure to check them out and share any that you think are especially cool!

Participate. Volunteer. Donate.

It would be awesome if money wasn’t an issue… That said, you can support our mission of strengthening our community educating and empowering youth to realize their full potential in a number of ways.

We are re-launching our reading program and need committed volunteers to make it happen! Commit to a few hours over the summer or a regular schedule!
  • Participate! We are big believers in what we do and the power of our community, the more people we bring on board, the stronger we are!
  • Volunteer! We have many ways to plug in, here are a few: This summer we are revamping our reading program and need a few committed volunteers to help get it going! You can coach with us too! We also love extra hands on court and we’ll give you the skills and resources to be effective. We have several other volunteer experiences available as well from tabling with us to recruitment. If you have time and energy to give, we’d love to have your help! Send an email to throw your name in the hat!
  • Donate! Donations to Saint Paul Urban Tennis get invested into scholarships for youth to attend our programs, the trainings and hours we provide our coaches to develop as leaders, and provide for the equipment necessary to implement fun and effective programs. Your financial support ensures that every family has access to our programs regardless of income or zip code. Click here to donate!

See you on the courts!

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