SPUT Youth Council: Jerusalem Thao

What is your favorite memory with Saint Paul Urban Tennis?

I don’t really have just one favorite memory, but a thing that always has stuck out to me is the Junior Team Tennis (JTT) sections. Every JTT section I am reminded that I am playing tennis with people I see as family.

Whether we lose or win, I am always content because I am surrounded by people who support each other no matter what.

How has Saint Paul Urban Tennis developed you as a leader?

Through Saint Paul Urban Tennis I have been able to become an employee and tennis coach. Through these experiences, I have been able to learn how to conduct myself and have the confidence to say what is necessary.

SPUT has given me the opportunity to learn skills that have helped me develop as a leader.

What skills have you improved as a Youth Council member?

The Youth Council has forced me to become a better manager of time. I have had to balance multiple extracurricular activities and learn how to prioritize what is important.

What other sports are you involved with?

Outside of tennis, I am involved with volleyball and soccer. Volleyball is a refresher and allows me to release stress and gives me a different look than tennis does. With soccer I am allowed to just kick the ball, have fun, and release stress as well.

If you had to listen to one artist for the rest of your life, who would it be?

An artist I would listen to for the rest of my life would be J. Cole. I think his music is interesting and the lyrics have a lot of meaning.

What will you miss most about Saint Paul Urban Tennis?

What I will miss most about Saint Paul Urban Tennis is my loving brothers: Brandon, Johnny, and Josh. They are my family and I have grown up with them. I have learned a lot from them.

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