SPUT Youth Council: Aidan Reynolds

What is your favorite memory with Saint Paul Urban Tennis?

My favorite memory with Saint Paul Urban Tennis is building strong and meaningful relationships with players and coaches within the Warrior Leadership Academy.

How has Saint Paul Urban Tennis developed you as a leader?

Saint Paul Urban Tennis has provided me with countless learning experiences and opportunities for growth. Summer programs have given me strong moral values and standards while the Warrior Leadership Academy has shaped me to be more confident in what I do. Even now, I coach in the summers and am able to use these skills.

As the Treasurer of the Youth Council, what are your duties? What skills have you improved through this role?

As Treasurer, it’s my job to oversee the annual budget of the council by tracking expenses and fundraisers.

Through this role, I have improved my organizational skills, communication skills, and overall decision making skills.

What is your favorite thing to do outside of Saint Paul Urban Tennis and school?

Outside of Saint Paul Urban Tennis and school, my favorite thing to do is cook or bake. There is nothing better than working hard and being rewarded with something (hopefully) delicious.

If you could pick one person to have a 20 minute conversation with, who would it be and why?

I would choose to speak with Novak Djokovic because I admire his philanthropy and outlooks on life both on and off the tennis court.

What will you miss most about Saint Paul Urban Tennis?

I’m going to miss the community of Saint Paul Urban Tennis the most. At every level of involvement in SPUT, I’ve been warmly welcomed and encouraged to succeed. SPUT has something very special.


  1. Josh on March 11, 2020 at 2:57 am

    Aidan! You rock.

    Also, you are strongly encouraged to share your baking talent with the SPUT staff… 😉

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