Youth Tennis Lessons

youth tennis lessons with sput

Youth Tennis Lessons

SPUT's youth tennis lessons are a great place for beginner and intermediate players to learn and grow their game. Our lessons offer a fun and friendly community environment focused on developing a player's tennis and life skills. Players will receive coaching on fundamentals, opportunities to drill and practice, tons of fun games, and will grow through our SPUT S.P.I.R.I.T. (service, perseverance, integrity, responsibility, imagination, teamwork) curriculum.

April - May

Kick-off the 2024 tennis season with Saint Paul Urban Tennis by registering for six one-hour lessons in our spring program! SPUT's youth tennis lessons are an excellent place for beginner and intermediate players to learn and grow their game. 


June - July

Join us for SPUT's six-week summer program! Summer tennis lessons run Monday to Thursday, morning or afternoon, for youth ages 5-18. Our general lessons are well suited for beginner and intermediate players. Players that are seeking competition or advanced level drilling should check out our Junior Team Tennis or SPUTniks Traveling Team.


September - October

Participate in SPUT's fall tennis program by registering for six one-hour youth tennis lessons! Our youth lessons are an excellent place for beginner and intermediate players to learn and grow their game. This year, fall tennis lessons will take place from the end of August to early October.


Youth Tennis Scholarships

We keep program fees low, but we also know that every family is different. A "one-size-fits-all" fee does not work. We provide scholarships and financial assistance to any family looking to participate. Fees help us fund our programs, but we want to give every kid the opportunity to launch as a leader.

Saint Paul Urban Tennis creates an environment where community and tennis come together. This means sharing the load so that all kids can access our great programs. Please reference our payment recommendations below and pay the amount that fits your family. When it comes time to register, you'll be able to select a ticket price that fits your family's needs. Please consider donating to support scholarships and reduced-price programming for other families in our community.

scholarship table
Donate To Support Youth Scholarships
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