SPUT Youth Council: Tania Acevedo Garcia

What is your favorite memory with Saint Paul Urban Tennis?

My favorite memory with Saint Paul Urban Tennis is the first time I participated in outreach coaching. It was during winter blast in 2018. Seeing the kids’ smiles while they were learning made me realize that I wanted to continue coaching.

How has Saint Paul Urban Tennis developed you as a leader?

Saint Paul Urban Tennis has given me role models and the support I need to improve my leadership skills.

As the Secretary of the Youth Council, what are your duties? What skills have you improved through this role?

As secretary, I have the duty of taking down notes of everyone’s ideas. I organize the notes so it will be easy to follow along. My communication skills have improved because I multitask when listening and taking notes.

Who inspires you the most at Saint Paul Urban Tennis?

Josh Connell inspires me to keep trying and always see things with a different perspective. His positive energy always motivates me, even when I am discouraged.

Where is your favorite place to go to in Minneapolis/Saint Paul and why?

My favorite place to go in the cities is Lake Plaza in Minneapolis. It allows me to feel connected to my community and my roots. There’s also many things to look at and good, authentic food.

What will you miss most about Saint Paul Urban Tennis?

I’m going to miss the Saint Paul Urban Tennis community and how everyone always supports each other. I will miss coaching the kids and having personal interactions with them. I always enjoyed and will miss participating in fundraisers and seeing the SPUT community grow.


  1. Josh on April 11, 2020 at 4:28 am

    Tania, thanks for sharing your light with us. We’re excited to watch you shine in your new phase of life!

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